Category Archives: marriage

Why I am Open About Marriage Struggles

My client messaged me recently saying that because we’ve been open with our marriage struggles, when her and her husband were struggling, she realized there wasn’t anything WRONG with them and they could truly work through it!!!!!!!! Then, the more she talked about it with her friends, she realized they all had similar issues!!! Ladies,...

Our 3rd Anniversary

Last week, we spent our third wedding anniversary perfectly: In the red rocks of Sedona with my family that was visiting from Michigan. I couldn’t have asked for anything better!!

A Night to Remember

In a sea of thousands of people, not knowing a soul, (besides Malcolm seeing our Lulu Lemon clerk from a few days ago) we unfolded the blanket and lied on our backs. With my head on his shoulder, we witnessed the stars slowly coming forth…. randomly catching small breezes of sewage from the bathrooms 20...

Two Year Anniversary

Six years ago from today, Malcolm and I officially became attached at the hip…. spending every minute, hour, and day with each other… Two years ago from today, we officially became husband and wife with our closest friends and family in Chicago! We are spending the week relaxing and “vacationing” alongside my family visiting from Michigan!...
